December 31, 2013

365th Page

This day marks the end of another exemplifying book filled with mishaps and mayhems, victories and defeats, and fortunes and misfortunes. Just like any other book, the chapters were  filled with various transitions from happiness to sorrow, but at the end of every chapter,  hope prevailed.  My 2013 novel is divided into 4 chapters:  Rebirth,  Reborn,  Reminiscences and Realizations.

CHAPTER 1: Rebirth 

It was  the start of a new year, I knew it wasn't gonna be great cause I didn't have a nice view of the fireworks display in Eastwood, though it was astonishing  as always. True to my gut feel,  the first 3 months of  2013 were a series of  problems. First we had tons of issues in cheermania, which led to our defeat. It was excruciating to place 8th after almost winning the previous year, but it was something we had to painfully accept. We told ourselves that 2014 will be the year of redemption for us. Our defeat motivated us to work hard and bring the crown to AB, which I hope we will  this year though.  Besides the stress brought by my last months as the ABDS auditor , (we had liquidation problems) I was dealing with the separation anxiety I was feeling since we were reshuffled.  I was missing CA5  so bad and I was struggling to build new friendships in CA2.  It was hard to be in a class  that was divided and had no plans to unite, but this changed me after a while. Before the school year ended,  I was elected as the new Co-Captain Internal of ABDS. It was such a turning point for me cause it was my first time to  attain such position. I felt reincarnated. I was becoming someone new, it was a rebirth. At the end of each day I had hope that 2013's gonna be legendary, and so it did during the next chapter.

CHAPTER  2: Reborn

I suddenly went from being  a good girl to a party girl. It felt like I undergone metamorphosis. I started drinking and party-ing every week. I never thought that loud music matched with alcohol could make me feel so free. With alcohol in my system, things feel so much easier and lighter. All I see are lights, strobe lights to be specific, which changed colors from time to time. The party life is hell fun, but with every ounce of ecstacy comes a price: hangover. Hangovers are such killers, it makes you wish that you haven't drank excessively. This chapter of my life made me who I am today: fearless. I learned that it's not bad to try new things, even if it won't do you any good, you'd still learn from it. Besides, crazy adventures make life exciting. How I Met Your Mother inspired my YOLO life. I want to tell my kids how crazy I was during my younger years and how meeting their father changed my life. This chapter was the best, I may have gained 10 pounds but I lost 100 kilos of fear.

CHAPTER 3: Reminiscences

This was the most heart-breaking chapter. Things (or people) from my past started to haunt me again. I thought I've forgotten about it, but apparently, their presence rekindled the flame. I thought I had to start over, but what I didn't know was I had to stop. This event made me more mature and strong, the hard way. The odds will not always be in your favor for life is not a hunger games battle. We experience heart breaks so we could be indomitable afterwards. Even if the past comes knocking on the door, we should never entertain it again. It's tempting cause it's familiar, but it's wrong in many ways. Things ended for a reason and we must live with it. There's no harm in visiting memory lane, but never ever stay. The past is now a memory,  a memory worth remembering for it was once the best part of my life and I will forever cherish it. On a lighter note, I've built a new friendship with my blockmates. I never thought we would be close but I'm glad  we are now. The reshuffling was the best thing that happened for it not only strengthened my bond with my old blockmates, but I've also met a new family that I love.

CHAPTER 4 : Realizations

During the last remaining months of the year, I've started to fathom the unfathomable. Things became clearer and I had the chance to fix everything I broke. For starters, I've learned that being a great leader means having to put everyone else above you. It's not always one person's decision that should be followed, everyone's opinion should be heard. Things can't always go the way you want it to, some just happen and sometimes it's for the better. Being a leader means being a good listener. One must pay attention to what the team is feeling and be sensitive about it. These realizations paved way to a new me. The me who knows when to change and when to retain what needs to stay grounded. Also, I've realized that it's good to deviate from the norm. Meet people, mingle with them and just enjoy every second that life offers. Never ever stick to the status quo, go out there and have a YOLO night.

This 2014, I plan to start my new book (blog actually haha) entitled "Project Happiness" for I plan to make my last year in college worth remembering and for a genuine happiness to finally stay. Happy New Year everybody! :*

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