December 22, 2013

Second Chances

I got inspired to write about "second chances" because of the latest episode of The Carrie Diaries, one of my favorite American series. The episode started with Larissa, Editor-in-Chief of Interview magazine, giving Carrie another shot to write something worth publishing after she chose to not publish her first article about a playwright named Weaver, who eventually became her boyfriend. I won't narrate the whole episode but it actually made me cry. It ended with everybody getting a second shot on the things they lost and a discernment of hope.

Carrie said that second chances were made for people to have hope. Not everyone goes back to the drawing board after screwing an opportunity, most people just give up and let the chip on their shoulder take over them. The best part about failure is that it gives us a chance to see the downside of life and in turn, makes us want to work harder. We never get to hit the nail on the head the first time we try to (unless you're lucky), success is a process that we take slowly. Rome was not built in one day. Carrie chose love over her career, but after ending things with Weaver, she hit two birds with one stone: got back with Sebastian, the love of her life and gave her Interview magazine career another try. It was a tough task  because she had to interview a successful fashion designer who only entertains professional journalists and not a highschool intern, but because of her perseverance and determination, she achieved what she was aiming for.

Fall down seven times but stand up eight, they say. Failure is a sign that we're doing things right. We were not made to experience a perfect life, we were made to make life perfect. We can never truly appreciate the beauty of life if we've never been in the dumpster. After all the obstacles we'll go through, there's only one thing that we should forever keep in our minds: there's no such thing as a wrong path nor a wrong decision, everything we do is part and parcel of who we are bound to be.

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